Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Question About these Blogs

Do we still have to do stuff on it now as the Winter Break Assignment is over?

Do we still have to do things on this now?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

RIP: protest films, e-porn, and bimbos by Jonah Goldberg

Article Found Here :,0,5022246.column?coll=la-opinion-rightrail

As with the other articles used, this one is found in the LA Times website Opinion section.

Goldberg, in his article, begins by explaining how some people keep track of the year's trends and he argues that this year deserves an obituary for trends that are dead. He argues that three trends are dead or dying. The first is an argument that Hollywood's attempt to sway the public politically is failing. He bases his argument on the low collection of money on the movies based on the war in Iraq. The second part of the article is on how there was a time when feminists movements looked up to famous women, such as his example of how in the "1980s, Madonna was declared a feminist icon because she 'owned' her sexuality and treated men the way piggish men historically treated women." He compares this to today's "stars" such as Britney Spears. In the third and final section, he mentions how the success of the porn industry is falling as another site rises in popularity. He claims that pornography won't die, but porn as an industry will.
On his first argument, I can only say no one should be swayed by a movie. People should do research before joining a side. With the second part, I believe people shouldn't look up to people who do negative things or have lives filled with painful events. Again with the example of Spears, why look up to a woman - who is on the news far longer than news of actual importance - who lost her children, had to go to rehab, among other things. People should no longer look to others as an example and do what they know is better. With the third part, I say it is good that people will not lose money to pornography, but addiction to it remains as a big problem.

Tone : As I am no good at this, I'm going to guess that the tone is informative as he looks back upon what already happened.

Questions :
Do you think other things have "died" this past year that deserved it?
What bad things continue that you feel should also be dead?
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